Monday, August 29, 2011

My Boy and Such.

This weekend my friends came over and we did weird stuff. The weirdest part was the next day, when we went hikingin Sweetwater National Park. It was very fun, and we planned to go swimming afterwards. However, we saw this HUGE water moccasin and my sister got scared. I was a little freaked out too. Have you ever seen one of those things? Here's an average sized one.

Pretty big, huh? Me and my friends went swimming anyways, but my sister just sat on a log the whole time. The water was really weird and sweet-tasting (hence the name Sweetwater). It was really really cold in some places, but like an overheated hot tub in others. It was as if a cold lake got a small fever. Also, the bottom was so gross and muddy that it was hard to get up from it if you went down. Seriously, if you go there, do not try to touch your nose to the bottom for two obvious reasons. 1) The bottom is really gross and filled with snakes and stuff, and 2) it's, like, 20 feet deep. Anyways, when I got out of the water, this big heron flew across the lake and pooped in a long, straight line for about 50 feet. It would have been more funny but still equally disgusting if we had not just gotten out of the water. I realized that that is probably why the water's sweet. On the way home, my friend Kilpatrick (name change) kept saying "My Boy!" in a deep voice as in the video. It was really annoying but still funny. That is the explanation for my post yesterday. Um... there's not much else I can post, so here's what I got when I looked up ham blandwich.

And maybe the weirdest of all,

Sorry about that. That guy looks really happy abot his... um, I don't really know what that is... it could ysterbe cut up, peppered ham... or really dirty oysters... or... Anyways, um, naej;ornbbonejrab..... Heeheehee, I am Lincoln, or "Honest Abe" as some call me and I'm here to kill you all!! I have killed your, erk, Blog Dude and now I leave on this quote, Who's Awesome? You're awesome. Just until you're dead. Hahahahaha!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


.......................................................................................................My Boy!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dirigiyem 2

I kinda stopped doing this, but...


Today, Dirigiyem is to the talking point. I was talking to my friend on the phone yesterday, and he grabbed the phone and said "Hello, would you like some milk powder? It's fresh and healthy as gibbledygabbledygookgar- Bump-ananumpumpbapa- Bumpa-anamabupana Bumpumpanabumpumpanabumpanabumpbumpa! Huhuhhuhuhuhuh th-th-th-at's all, carlos!" Then he drank seven Red Bulls, paraded around the kitchen for an hour wearing a hat that said "Ehhp!" while driving a mini-golf cart with a comically large sunroof, and then he called 911 on his fake phone. I told him it would'nt work. I also asked him where he got the hat, the golf cart, and the seven Red Bulls. "So I had a few Red Bulls, who gives a crap, oodly doodly, what's the big ol' deal, Daddy-O, I maen it's not like I murdered anyone like that woman over there who just stabbed that man, hey, is drinking some good ol' bulls illegal huh, is it, huh, is it, huuh, iis iit, huuuh, iiis iiit, HUH, IS IT, HUHISITHUHISITHUHISITHUHISIT?" Then he grabbed the real phone and called 310-867-5309. Some dude anwered and said "Stop calling this number or I will kill you you dumb fans!" Then he called 911. Then, the police came and we cleaned everything up, but not before Dirigiyem drank another three Red Bulls and ate their guns. (Both kinds. It was very bloody. He literally ate their biceps, triceps, and quadriceps. For some reason, he wasn't jailed, and so he is here now, cooking cobra hoods and drinking coffee. Seriously, for him, the best part of waking up is Folger's in his premium Star Wars vs. Batman collectible cup.
