Sunday, June 26, 2011

FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!! Pt.1

So far, summer is not half over, and everything is already going crazy. So, at the very beginning, I went to Florida and I went to my grandmother's house, and I had fun and stuff, but, eventually, me and my sister were put to work. Our grandma asked us to paint some boards for her screen door. We were making screen doors because the air conditioner down there costs like $500 a month, and we needed some way to not die of heat strokes. Anyways, we painted the boards, and the next day our grandma told us we were going to a cool pharmacy in West Pensacola called A&E. I got an awesome hat.

Really awesome. We also went to the Naval Aviation Museum, where they had an actual jet stimulator. I got on it, but my sister started screaming when we got on, so she had to get off. But I still got to go. I was a very dangerous pilot. Anyways, later that month, we went to a movie called Super 8 and it was awesome. You should watch it. It conveys two messages. 1. Don't do drugs. 2. Don't own an electrical appliance store while a really ticked off alien is building a spaceship and abducting people. I think these messages are valuable. I also started to try to find fun things to say and my favorite is "man, bro". The problem is if you say it in a gangsta accent, it sounds like "man bra". I also went to a wildlife sanctuary and the minute I got there, I saw a sign on the door inside.

But a nice woman my aunt knew let us in anyways. We saw these.

Then I went to the area open to the public, and we saw so much, but here's an angry screech owl.

Well, I'll have more on FL later, but thiss is the end of pt.1.

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