Monday, March 5, 2012

Orange Juice

Orange juice. It is a very addictive substance that makes you want more and more until you are so full you vomit. No, this is not a nick name for a drug. I mean real Orange Juice. This is the process of Orange Juice's evilness.

1) You are just walking, doing nothing.

You are walking through the kitchen, whistling or being bored or just walking around. You notice the fridge. You all of the sudden notice you are hungry, You, in fact, are not hungry, but you are caught into thinking that you are hungry by the sudden appearance of the fridge. This is when you need to stop and go to a drawer for some chips. You do not need to open the fridge. If you do, the impending chaos will most certainly ensue.


Well, you have done it. You have done the incredibly stupid and opened the fridge. Too bad.
Why would you open the fridge? This is when you notice something that you knew about in the back of your mind but never really took the time to think about. You have ORANGE JUICE. You need to drink it. It beckons to you.
3) You drink the orange juice.

No time to grab a cup. You have to drink it now or the absence of orange juice will haunt you until you die at the age of 9,723. No time for a glass. You chug.

Then, at the exact moment that you begin, your mother or father walks in and tells you no OJ for a long time and you are confined to your room without the computer until "further notice". This means that your mom will wake up three months later and say, 'Oh! You're not grounded anymore!" Which leads to step 4...

4) Unbridled Rage At Yourself

You begin in an insane rage. The only thing you can see is the object in your immediate view and DEATH.

This causes you to run the streets. A creepy kidnapper dude takes you to his lab where he proceeds to try and morph you with a chicken and feeds you nothing but Holiday Inn Mouthwash, Chocolate Muffins, and, upon request, crystal meth.
Of course, in your rage, you escape. You douse your captor in the mouthwash and he melts into nothing but steam and shame.


You return home after a breif stay in a Cambodian prison. You are bored. You wander around the house. You notice something. You have an itching. Is it for death? No... Is it for food? Maybe...

Hold up.

It's OJ time.

Now, these steps may be subject to change. You could be automatically stabbed in the heart by so much rage that it actually comes out of you and kills you. Then it makes an army of rage-pillows and destroys the sun.

You could also calm down, sit in a chair, and peacefully forget all this happened. (Nevermind, it would never happen.)

You may end up calming a little upon which you then stuff yourself with hypothermic needles full of caramel and PURE RAGE. Then, this happens.

And then you automatically turn into a nearly toothless old man.

Good night!

(P.S. Can you find Miles? He's in here somewhere!)


  1. Ugh. I don't LIKE orange juice. And I can't find Miles. He probably disappeared when he noticed the muffin.

  2. By the way, you need to change the font color in the poll. I had to highlight the countries to figure out what they were.
