Than they do about this!
Seriously!! BP says "Oh, well we put this stuff in the water and it's safe and now you can eat seafood and go swimming again!! Yay!!" Therefore, the media and pretty much everybody else stopped caring. However, guess what??? The dispersant they put in the water is actually worse than the oil itself! It paralysed someone!! Hundreds of animals are still dying each day! So... ummm... British Petroleum? Uh, a little note, YOUR ATTEMPT TO COVER THE OIL UP DID NOT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you know what the worst part is? The scientists working to find out the oil spill's status or whatever can't even say anything to the other scientists, let alone the public! The dang congress has some stupid law that you're "not allowed to reveal the facts of a case until it's closed". Yeah, for a murder case, not an oil spill. So, in a few weeks, I shall make a full runthrough of the spill, just to show you what's really happening in the gulf. What do you think? Should BP just "B" gone?
Mad As Something That's Really Mad Times 1000, Ben
Yeah, but the oil spill kind of IS like a murder case.