Ok, actually, these all mean to kill.
account for, ace, auto-da-fe, axe,bag, bake, barker, bathhouse, bellyful of lead, blank, blast, blip off, block out, blow away, brace, Brigport dagger, bring down, bucket, bump, bump-man, Burke, burn, buisiness, button, call out, capital, capital charge, capital crime, capital punishment, capital sentences unit... They go on for pages with a font size of 7. They also have a few other funnies I'd like to mention such as: meshugga (mentally unstable), mature, classically proportioned(which both mean obese), unbese (OK, do I really have to define this), rainbow fascist (no clue), assembly area, Fanny Hill, deep porridge, G, Capone's Hotel (which all mean prison), and, the best one of all, to cabbage(to steal). Pictures!
I think the ones you said meant to kill just had to do with killing.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am a strange loop is like the most awesome book ever!
Yeah, I know, and yes, the book is awesome. The writer also wrote an awesome book called That Mad Ache. I actually never read it but it's supposed to be good.