Monday, April 4, 2011

Caskets and Potatoes

Ok, sorry about the typo in the last post. It is obviously Spring Break and I am in FL. My dad drove me down here and halfway down the map I started laughing like crazy. It was almost 12:00 at night and we drove by this bar that had a sign saying "Smooth, slick liquor and big, manly cigars sold here. Buy one get one free!!!" I don't know how you can have a manly cigar. Anyways, I was like "Hey! Big ol' daddeh! Let's get some manly cigars and when we get to the condo, let's light them up and throw em' off the balcony!" That made me laugh so hard that the car door came open in the middle of the highway!

On other notes, me and my sister, Lucy, were going to my aunt's house today and suddenly she says "Caskets and Potatoes!!!!!!!!!!" Then she made a whole story about caskets and potatoes. It goes like this.

"There once was a guy named Dan Hover. He ate a poisoned potato and he died. Then, his ghost came to life to steal all the potatoes in the world and go back to his coffin and hide the potatoes in the corner of his casket. Then a guy named Phil Loppert was walking in a graveyard and he saw a coffin sticking out of the ground. He dug and found a casket filled with potatoes. Then he went home and to bed. That night, Dan Hover smashed a poisonous potato on his face and he died."


Weird, huh?

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